Yiscah Marcatilli

Yiscah is a multi-disciplined illustrator, coffee snob and obsessive overall-wearer from Sydney. Her illustrations are fun and whimsical, painted traditionally with watercolour, gouache and coloured pencils. She loves brightening the world around her by creating cheeky characters and subtly injecting playful narratives into her work.

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+61 432 950 648
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Yiscah Marcatilli Biography

If you could be any object of art, what would it be and why?Gaudi’s Casa Batllo in Barcelona. I fell in love with Gaudi’s work when I was 14 and started learning Spanish and Casa Batllo was always my favorite. Then I visited Spain a few times and lived in Barcelona for a few months after high school just up the road from Casa Batillo and fell in love with it even more.