Tonia Composto

Tonia Composto is a Melbourne based illustrator and graphic designer, who works under the name Lemon Chicken Por Favor.  Her illustration universe is full of colour, humour, irony and explosive energy. She loves working digitally but also adores the traditional methods of drawing and printmaking.

Contact Details
+61 432 950 648
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Tonia Composto Biography

What was the last random dream you had? “I was running away from a client who wanted endless changes, a rainbow colour palette, their logo to be bigger and insisted on using comic sans in the artwork – just kidding”

Tonia is the creator of GoGo Zine, a 16 page fully illustrated non-fiction, activity based mini-mag for kids and zine collectors. Issues include Pizza, Dogs, Poo, Octopus, Hairdressing and Ancient Egypt.