Clumsy Hands

If you like illustrations that are very colourful, specifically niche on Australian or British culture, take the piss slightly, and have hidden easter eggs throughout, I am your girl.

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+61 432 950 648
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Clumsy Hands Biography

If you like illustrations that are very colourful, specifically niche on Australian or British culture, take the piss slightly, and have hidden easter eggs throughout, I am your girl.

Clumsy Hands Biography

Things I like: Working with clients on projects/commissions (keeping a roof over my head is a pretty decent flex these days as a millennial), doing my own projects, and sharing them with the world (like the maps!)

I also like Sex and the City, Beyonce’s Lemonade, Stanley Tucci (the fittest man alive), and niche quotes from the Simpsons. 

Clumsy Hands Biography

Things I don’t like: Working for free, parsley, Instagram and drawing portraits of the following; women with their ham-coloured husbands, dogs, cats or children. Please do not contact me about these things (unless you want a portrait of your crazy Aunt Ruth, who is convinced the moon landing was a hoax, wears head-to-toe leopard print and maybe owns a snake, then sign me the hell up).